Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Annual Salmon 5k

Although Black Bears are the most common type of bear on campus, Brown bears also reside here. The annual mating ritual of Pacific Salmon, called spawning, draws brown bears out of their dwellings to feast on these tasty morsels.

What? You don't think there are raging rapids hidden within the quiet and serene Trinity campus? YOU'D BE WRONG. See:

Photo Credit: Yours Truly
Right below the Coates Esplanade and by Murchison lies a winding little river and waterfall. 

In just a few short weeks (mid october) this raging river will be filled with salmon swimming up-stream. If you want to see some hungry brown bears hunting down their dinner, park your tush right by the waterfall and catch some action:

Photo Credit: Yours Truly

Until then this little hideaway is perfect for doing late afternoon homework.

I hear if you sing this song it actually draws out the bears before the annual Salmon Run...

Thanks BLinkCrash for this wonderful video. (Embeded from YouTube)

Creative Commons License
Brown Bears Aer Huntrs by Elle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Now You Know (Not Because It's Mike's Super Short Show) - An Intro

A note on the title
Yes, I misspelled the title. No, I wasn't drunk when I wrote it. It has been derived from a project I did in elementary school - complete with the spelling skills of a first grader.

Photo Credit: Elle (me)

So, I'm sure you've seen those cute little feral cats running around here. They flicker their little kitty tails and prance around the campus acting like they own the place (and my friend, Nathan)

Photo Credit: Yours Truly

 ...At least, that's what they want you to think. News to most people here at Trinity, is that those cats aren't the only "wildlife" residing within our cozy university. There happens to be a small population of bears here as well. No, not the teddy bear you boyfriend gave you for Valentines day that you cuddle every night in your dorm room. I'm talking about real bears. Big, bushy, and for the most part - unseen by students and faculty alike. When I was a freshman and I heard this "absurd" rumor of bears residing within the Trinity campus, I told my (unnamed) friend that she was cracked in the head. However, being the bear aficionado that I am... I did a little looking. What I found surprised me and I'll show you other budding bear seekers where you can hopefully sight one of these furry wonders for yourself.

Now, If your interest has been peaked- in the upcoming weeks, I'll be showing you some special locations around campus with which you can hopefully spot some different types of bears.

The black bear. The most common bear on the Trinity campus.
Spotted below the cliff by Thomas and South dormitories.

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Creative Commons License
Brown Bears Aer Huntrs by Elle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.